Information about the emotional, physical and social challenges of living with NETs.
If you’re living with neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) and you’re looking for clinics in your region and patient support services, then you’ve come to the right place. Search through the Get Support resources listed here to see if any of these can help you.
Although discovering that you have neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) or neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) and living with the condition might feel quite daunting and lonely, be assured you are certainly not alone.
Read or watch some real Patient Stories here to find out some of the ways in which other people are living with NETs.
Opinions expressed in the videos are purely individual, personal opinions of the patient, and by no means constitute treatment advice or guidance. Every patient should follow instructions from their treating physician as well as make their own informed choices.
“When I went for my second opinion things changed. I was told that there was a mass found in or around my pancreas, they weren't quite sure what it was.”
"A friend of mine said: We're not dying of cancer, we're living with cancer"
“My diagnosis was through complete chance and was triggered when I told a nurse I’d lost weight.”
“It reassures me to know what’s facing me, and what I should do. I feel like I am part of a team and they are all going to look after me.”
“The result of that is that they discovered that I had a tumour in my big bowel and that it had metastasised to my liver, all without me knowing.”
“It was very hard for me to speak to my children, to say, ‘I have cancer’, because I didn’t know a lot about neuroendocrine cancer.”
Do you have any practical tips that you think other people living with neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) might benefit from? If so, please send us your tips via this form. Once submitted your suggestion will be reviewed by our expert advisors and considered for inclusion when this site is next updated.
Thank you for taking the time to share your tip, we will evaluate it and it may be added to this website in the future.
Links to sites outside of this website are provided as a resource to the viewer. Ipsen accepts no responsibility for the content of linked sites.
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