There are a number of NET support groups that give you and your family a chance to share your experiences with other families.
Contacting other people with NETs through these support groups may help you to learn new ways of coping with the changes that may occur after you are diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer.
These groups can also provide you with further information on specific topics of interest within a supportive environment.
Some groups also have patient forums on the Internet for people with NETs and their carers to share ideas, concerns and tips about living with NETs.
“Try and join a local patient association. You will make friends who understand you, get good advice, and receive reliable information about NETs including updates on recent research and activities to help people living with NETs.”
Review support groups and advocacy groups in this list. Your specialist doctor may also be able to give you information about other NETs patient groups in your country.
INCA – International Neuroendocrine Cancer Alliance
NeuroEndocrine Cancer Australia (formerly the Unicorn Foundation)
Neuroendocrine Tumors Patients Association
Kooperativní skupina pro neuroendokrinnínádory
Netzwerk Neuroendokrine Tumoren
Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumour Society India
Israel Cancer Association
Middle East Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (MENETS)
Associazione Italiana Tumori Neuroendocrini
Unicorn Foundation New Zealand
Stowarzyszenie Pacjentów i Osób Wspierających Chorych na Guzy Neuroendokrynne
The Ann Edgar Charitable Trust – Neuroendocrine Tumour Support
Carcinoid & Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (CNETS SG) Singapore
Carcinoid Patient Association (CARPA)
Neuroendocrine Cancer UK (formerly NET Patient Foundation)
AMEND: The Association for Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Disorders
Learn about the different types of NETs, symptoms of NETs, their diagnosis and treatment.
Read practical tips from others to help make your life with NETs easier.
Information about the emotional, physical and social challenges of living with NETs.