This website is intended for an international audience, excluding the UK, United States, Canada and France
This website is intended for an international audience, excluding the UK, United States, Canada and France

Information and support to help people
living with neuroendocrine tumours (NETs)

Learn about NETs

Learn about NETs

Learn about the different types of NETs, symptoms of NETs, their diagnosis and treatment.

Learn About NETs
Diagnosis and Testing

Diagnosing NETs

Find out how NETs are diagnosed and the tests that healthcare professionals may use to monitor NETs.

Diagnosis & Testing
Treating NETs

Treating NETs

Read about treatment options for NETs, including surgery, radiotherapy and medications.

Treatment Options
FAQs by experts


Have a question about NETs? See if it has been answered by one of our experts

View FAQs

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected you?

Dr. Mohid Khan discusses how the 2020 coronavirus pandemic has affected people with neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) and Ronny gives his personal perspective.

Watch to learn more
Talking about NETs

Talking about NETs

Letting others know how you feel is an important part of living with NETs.

Talking About NETs
NETs and Work

NETs and work

Many people with NETs continue to work and are able to maintain a normal life during their treatment.

NETs And Work

“My diagnosis was through complete chance and was triggered when I told a nurse I’d lost weight.”

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Get support

Living with NETs is not something that you have to do alone. There is always help and support available if needed.

In this section of the Living with NETs website you can find patient support groups and a list of specialist NET clinics. You can also find answers to questions people diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancers often ask.

NET patient support groups

NET Patient Support Groups

Patient support groups for NETs can often provide social and emotional support.

Find Patient Support Groups

Find support services in your area

Find a NET Clinic

View a list of specialist NET clinics and hospital units in Europe.

Find a NETs Clinic

Ipsen logo
This website is intended for an international audience, excluding the UK, United States, Canada and France. This website has been developed by Ipsen in collaboration with those living with NETs and the healthcare professionals who care for them. Ipsen would like to thank everyone for their valuable insights and stories. All names used on this website are not necessarily real names. Visit for more information about us. Website design and development by Kanga Health Ltd. ALL-ALL-002300/November 2020